Saturday, December 22, 2012

How time zoning works.

Hi y'all.
People often ask me about time zoning and how I became a time zoner.
I thought this little explanation might help.
It's all related to where our consciousness is at any one point. People live in 'the now', but are we all living in the same now? In Rome, for example, it's 4.45am when it's 4.45pm in Auckland. Ask yourself this; is a Roman, who is just out of bed, living in the same 'now' as an Aucklander who is peeling the spuds for tea?
Taking this thought a step further, if you are experiencing the moment of 'now' right now, what's to stop someone else's 'now' being a minute or two behind? Or beforehand?
A time zoner, like myself, has become an expert at manipulating these 'now' moments.
With practice a person can slip in and out of time zones. I try not to use this skill for monetary gain and I'm careful not to fool with the fine tuning of the finite universe - that's called being a responsible time zoner.
I hope this little explanation helps and that someone like me now sounds less strange. Really I'm just a regular guy like you who is not always in the same 'now' moment.
This last picture is a shot of me assimilating into life (for a while) in Arabia in 1957. That was two weeks ago!
Maybe we will bump into each other in a different time zone one day?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I've already checked out Christmas for this year.

The good news is that it goes well for most of you.